Our Display work
Year 5 Recorder Assembly , by Mrs Bennett
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!, by Mrs Bennett
Year 1 Open Afternoon, by Mr Marland
WW1 Week, by Mr Marland
Year 5 visit to Stockport Museum and Air Raid Shelter, by Mrs Bennett
Conway 2018, by Mrs Bennett
WW1 commemoration week , by Mrs Bennett
School animals, by Mrs Bennett
Halloween Disco, by Mrs Bennett
Go Run For Fun!, by Mrs Bennett
AstraZeneca banana DNA workshop, by Mrs Bennett
Harvest at Daneside Mews, by Mrs Bennett
Zoo Lab Workshop, by Miss Ashton
Rainforest Artwork, by Mrs Holloway
Zoo Lab, by Mrs Holloway
Beth Tweddle visits Charles Darwin, by Mrs Bennett
Magical Circus Trip, by Mrs Ford
Year 2 Place Value lesson, by Mrs Ford
Midsummer Watch 2016, by Mr Ellis
The Queen's 90th Birthday, by Mr Ellis
Art Projects, by Mr Ellis