My child struggles with spelling, how can I help?
My child struggles with reading, how can I help?
My child struggles with maths, how can I help?
Talk to the class teacher
Use the look, cover, write, check method of learning spellings
Ask your child to write the word in large letters, trace over it with their finger whilst saying the word
Look for patterns in words and discuss them e.g. rain, pain, chain all have the ai sound – 2 letters 1 sound
There are lots of fun websites with spelling games your child will enjoy, just click on the links below:
kidsspell | ||
BBC drag and spell | ||
spell the word |
Discuss with your child’s teacher
Read together every night
Switch off the TV and find a time that suits both you and your child
Make reading fun, enjoyable and a time together that you both forward to
Practice tricky words and high frequency words
Use picture cues
Sound some words out or leave a space and go back to it
Ask your child does it make sense?
Talk about the book, what happened? Did you like the main character? Why? How did the main character feel? Why? What will happen next?
Read the book more than once
Praise and prompt your child
There are lots of fun websites with reading games your child will enjoy, just click on the links below:
Talk to your child's teacher
Use models and images to help your child, eg number lines, 100 square
Use a scaffolding approach, break it down into steps. Revisit the basic skills, recap and consolidate at each stage
Allow enough time to answer questions
Minimise the amount of information that children have to hold in their minds, allow children to write down every step and take notes. This will prevent them losing their place and forgetting what they are doing
Provide a list of maths symbols
Provide number squares and prepared formats for recording calculations
Use small numbers when introducing new concepts. Gradually work up to higher numbers
Encourage children to talk about what they are doing and why
Establish a routine of 'estimate-calculate-check'
There are lots of websites with maths which your child will enjoy, click on the links below: