Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Richardson

Mrs Harley



Welcome to Year 2!

Our Year 2 classes are taught by Mrs Harley and Miss Richardson. Our fantastic Year 2 teaching assistants are Mrs Killilea, Miss Smallman and Mrs Mainwaring. 

Here you will find key information related to our daily class routines and our curriculum. If you need to speak to teaching staff you can find us at the classroom doors at the beginning and end of each day or you can email us using Alternatively, you can let the office know that you would like to speak to us.


Our day starts at 8.45 with our Number of the Day activity. We teach Maths and English every morning. As part of our English curriculum, children also have spelling and/or phonics lessons. We teach reading every afternoon, followed by either science, geography, history or design and technology. RE, Art, Computing and Music are also taught regularly throughout the year. We do PE twice a week. Our PE days are Monday (outdoor PE) and Tuesday (indoor PE). Year 2 go swimming during the summer term and more information will be sent out about this in due course.

We follow the My Happy Mind program to encourage positive mental health and well-being in our children and within the wider school community. There is an app for parents to use and we would encourage everyone to download this. Please ask if you require more information about this. We also use No Outsiders to address issues of inclusivity and to ensure that everyone is welcomed into our school community. 

We ask that parents and carers read with their children at least 4 times a week and log this activity using the BoomReader app.

We also ask that children practise times tables and number bonds at home through the use of Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots games. Both can be accessed using the same login details. 

If you need any help accessing any of these, please let your child's class teacher know. 







Year 2: News items

Attendance, by Mrs Bennett

Open Day, by Mrs Bennett

Year 2: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 2: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Year 2: Events items

Y2 SH class assembly, by Mrs Bennett

Y2GR Class Assembly, by Miss Richardson

Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
 School Calendar  School Gateway  School Bookings

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