Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Wharton

Year 4

Welcome to the year 4 class page. In year 4, our classes are taught by Mrs Wharton in one class and Mr Clarke and Mrs Richardson in the other. The classes are supported by Mrs Rustage and Miss Taylor. This page contains information that you should find useful whilst your child is in year 4 and our downloads section below contains useful content to help you support your child's learning and keep you informed.


Every morning, the areas of maths and English are delivered and alongside this, spelling and guided reading. In the afternoons, other subjects are taught including science, history, geography, computing, Physical Rducation, Religious Education, Design Technology and music. Each term, we have a different topic which links to history and geography units.  In Autumn, the topic is Ancient Greeks, followed by the Romans in spring and our Rainforest topic in the summer term. Educational visits are organised and usually link with history, geography and/or science.  Each week both classes will have a Spanish and Art lesson delivered by Senora Ireland for Spanish and Mrs Cowburn for Art.  More details about the year 4 curriculum can be found in the downloads area where there is a copy of our long term plan and more information about specific subjects.

Residential visit

During year 4, all pupils will be offered the chance to go on a one night residential visit.  This is an excellent opportunity for pupils to increase their independence and develop team building skills.  This year, pupils will be going to Burwardsly outoor centre and taking part in activities including den building, team games and art. Although it can be daunting for some children who may be staying away from home for the first time, the overwhelming majority of pupils overcome their nerves and have a fantastic and very positive experience with their friends.  They take away long lasting memories from these visits.

Uniform and Jewellery

Children are expected to wear full school uniform each day, including appropriate footwear that is black. Our school uniform consists of grey trousers, shorts or a skirt, a red tshirt and a navy blue jumper.  Tshirts, pullovers and PE hoodies with a logo can be purchased with from Northwich Schoolwear. No jewellery is to be worn in school apart from stud earrings. 


You will be informed about which days your child will be taking part in PE.  On those days, children need to come into school dressed in their PE kit. Most of our PE is outdoors but we also have use of the school hall for gymnastics and dance units of work. For the outdoor sessions, a navy tracksuit and appropriate trainers is required.  For indoor PE sessions, tracksuit bottoms or shorts, a tshirt and indoor trainers or pumps is suitable. Each year, the children in year 4 attend Brio leisure centre for swimming lessons for one half term and for these sessions they will require a bag with swim kit, a towel and goggles (optional). We ask that children with long hair have it tied back on a PE day for safetly reasons and that no jewelery or earrings are worn. 


All resources are provided whilst they are in school. Children do not need to bring pencil cases in from home as everything that they will need during the school day will be provided for them. Often, pencils and other stationary that children have brought in from home can cause a distraction to learning so we kindly ask that you encourage your children to use school equipment.

Multiplication Tables

As part of the National Curriculum, all children in year 4 should aim to know all of the multiplication tables.  We put a strong emphasis on this in year 4 as the knowledge of the times tables helps in many areas of maths. In addition, in the summer term in year 4, a national Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is held. Information regarding this can be found in our downloads section and this will be discussed with you in more detail during a parent/carer meeting in the spring term. Your child will have a Times Tables Rock Stars login from school and we recommed they spend short amounts of time on this on a regular basis to improve their recall.  


In year 4, we value and promote a love of reading which we hope captures the children's imaginations. We read exciting texts as part of our English work, guided reading and at the end of the school day.  Each day, the classes throughout key stage 2 spend a short time reading independently after lunch and this is also an opporunity for the adults to hear some children read. We understand the week is busy for many of you, but we ask that you try to hear your child read as many nights a week as you can.  Once they have read, please could you log the book and page number using the BoomReader app. We are lucky to have a fantastic school library and children will be given time during the week to select a new book which they can read for pleasure or share with an adult at home.


Your child/children will be working hard througout the day so we only ask that they carry out some additional tasks at home. These are reading on a regular basis to an adult or older sibling and recording their reading in BoomReader and using their Times Tables Rock Star login to access this fun way of learning the times tables on a 'little and often' basis.

Keeping in touch

This website is a good place to keep up to date with school and class events as well as find out more information about specific classes.

If you have any quieries or questions for the year 4 members of staff, the contact email is

Emails will be replied to between the hours of 8am and 4pm where possible.


Mrs Wharton, Mrs Richardson, Mr Clarke, Mrs Rustage and Miss Taylor







Files to Download

Year 4: News items

Attendance, by Mrs Bennett

Open Day, by Mrs Bennett

Year 4: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 4: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Year 4: Events items

Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
 School Calendar  School Gateway  School Bookings

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