
Spelling Statement

At Charles Darwin Community Primary School, we believe that children who can spell feel confident and are able to write with enjoyment. Therefore, we want our pupils to be equipped with the knowledge and range of strategies for learning spelling to be able to apply their strategies when spelling words in their independent writing. Spelling at Charles Darwin is taught using Pathways to Spell. We developed our systematic spelling delivery to complement the teaching of phonics in EYFS and key stage 1.

Pathways to Spell follows a mastery approach to the teaching of spelling. It is a programme designed to deliver the statutory content of the Primary National Curriculum for spelling in key stages 1 and 2. Through weekly teaching of spelling objectives and development of a whole school approach to word transcription, vocabulary development and proof-reading, the programme aims to:

  • Ensure that pupils become confident and competent spellers
  • Enthuse and fascinate pupils about words and language
  • Develop pupils’ spoken language skills
  • Promote collaborative learning in the classroom
  • Develop an engaging spelling environment across the school
  • Effectively reduce teacher workload with highly detailed, progressive and engaging planning for the delivery of spelling teaching

Structure and Learning Cycle

The Pathways to Spell programme is designed for whole class teaching of the Primary National Curriculum objectives for spelling from year 2 to year 6. It is a comprehensive and progressive programme with a clear, research-based teaching sequence. Each week combines consolidation of previously taught spelling patterns and rules in conjunction with new teaching with opportunities to reflect on learning. This will support pupils in the development of key metacognitive strategies.

Each half term, there will be 6 weeks of detailed planning with suggestions for additional sessions focused on pupils’ personal development of spelling strategies using personalised spelling lists. They are designed to be used for whole class teaching but sessions from previous year groups are used as an intervention with smaller groups in addition to the whole class session.

Every year begins with consolidation of rules from previous year groups which pupils often find tricky, or commonly misspell. Each term, there is a focus on common exception or word list words and homophones where appropriate. Each week consists of two spelling objectives: a review of a previously taught spelling pattern or rule and a mastery spelling focus – the key learning outcome for the week.

Spelling in Action

Alongside discrete sessions, children are introduced to key topic and science vocabulary at the start of each new unit taught. These key words are displayed clearly around the classroom and children are provided with opportunities to practise spelling them in context. It is expected that children use these accurately in their written work. They will also be introduced to words from the Y3/4 or Y5/6 spelling wordlists as part of their English lessons, and again, the teaching of these words is embedded in context.



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Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp


Governor: Mrs Alison Massey


Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves

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