
Vision Statement - Physical Education at Charles Darwin Community Primary School.

At Charles Darwin Community Primary School, we aim to provide a high quality Physical Education curriculum that inspires all of our pupils to become active and to maintain an active lifestyle as they move through our school and beyond.

We provide opportunities for our pupils to become physically literate and confident in a way that supports their health and fitness as they move towards becoming young adults.

In addition, we aim to provide a wide range of opportunities for children to take part and succeed in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities in order to develop character, resilience and help to embed core values such as teamwork, fairness and respect. Our extra-curricular clubs have an 83% take-up and our participation in competitions locally and across the SSP is extremely high. We look forward to once again representing Vale Royal at the annual Cheshire and Warrington School Games in a wide variety of sporting disciplines each year.

We hugely value continued participation in sport and have strong links to a number of community clubs. We lead and share good practice throughout the SSP, developing our youngsters' leadership skills through assisting with running competitions as well as providing programmes of support for talented youngsters. We frequently see former pupils returning to us as Sports Ambassadors from their secondary schools and we will continue to invest in our children's sporting future.

Charles Darwin is truly a school where physical activity is encouraged, success is celebrated but, most importantly, our sense of fair play and sportsmanship is never compromised.

Feb 2023

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Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
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