Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years
Early Years – In our Foundation Stage, we have two Reception classes. The needs of the pupils are met through activities that carefully match the children’s interests and abilities. In this way we seek to motivate and inspire them, providing the best start to their learning journey as they progress through school.
Challenging questions and personalised learning drive our planning, ensuring rich and engaging learning experiences. Play underpins our provision, enabling children to explore the world around them, practise and build up ideas, learn to understand the need for rules, take risks and make mistakes.
The children’s learning is all planned in line with “The Early Years Foundation Stage” guidance. A range of visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic activities ensure the consolidation and consideration of the characteristics of effective learning. All the activities and play opportunities encompass the seven areas of learning:
Early Years – Prime Areas of Learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This is where children develop social skills, respect for others and a positive self-image. It also includes the way children play and work together; how they share and interact in various situations and learn about other cultures.
Communication and Language
This includes developing speaking and listening skills through role-play, stories and rhymes, and talking to their peers and adults.
Physical Development
This area is concerned with the development of fine motor skills e.g threading, cutting, drawing, painting, and writing. Also, children’s large body movements e.g. running, balancing, climbing, throwing and catching. Children develop their skills of coordination, control, movement and manipulation indoors and outdoors.
Early Years – Specific Areas of Learning
Learning to handle books, talk about stories in their reading book and read. Also writing their name, keywords, lists, recounts of events and beginning to write captions and simple sentences.
This is developing an understanding of mathematical areas such as numbers, calculating with numbers and shape, patterns and problem-solving.
Understanding of the World
This helps children to develop skills and understanding to make sense of the world around them. Learning about their past, people, environments and other cultures. Children also experience the technological world around them, e.g. using computers and programmable toys.
Expressive Media and Arts
Children explore, learn and play using a wide variety of art and craft activities. They express themselves through their artwork, music, and dance using all their senses.