Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Ball

Mrs Holden

Mrs Graham-Smith

Welcome to our Year One page! The teachers in Year One are Mrs Holden, Mrs Ball and Mrs Graham-Smith and our amazing teaching assistants are Mrs Caliskan, Mrs Wheldon and Mrs Harradine.

Here you will find key information related to our daily class routines and our curriculum. If you need to speak to teaching staff you can find us at the classroom doors at the beginning and end of each day or you can email us using Alternatively, you can let the office know that you would like to speak to us.

We encourage all children in Year 1 to look after their belongings and to be responsible for their own things so it will help them and us if all belongings are named.


We begin our day at 8.45am with a daily challenge activity.  English, Maths and Phonics take place every morning. We teach reading three afternoons a week followed by our Science, History or Geography. Our Art, Music, RE, DT, PSHCE and Computing also takes places in the afternoon throughout the year .  


We do PE twice a week. Our PE days are Tuesday (outdoor PE) and Thursday (indoor PE). Children are asked to wear PE kit to school on these days. No PE kit is to be kept in school.  


We love reading in Year 1!  Reading is the foundation of all learning and your child will really benefit from regular reading with an adult at home.  The children will read their phonics book in school 3 times a week and then it will be sent home.  When your child reads at home we ask that you log the book and page number using the BoomReader app at least three times a week.  Children will have the opportunity at given times during the week to select a new book from the library that they can read for pleasure or share with an adult at home.  The class teachers check online reading diaries each week.

We are looking forward to an exciting and busy half term.

Mrs Holden, Mrs Ball, Mrs Graham-Smith, Mrs Caliskan, Mrs Wheldon and Mrs Harradine.


Useful Links:


There are websites available on the internet that can aid you with the letter sounds:



Files to Download

Year 1: News items

Attendance, by Mrs Bennett

Open Day, by Mrs Bennett

Year 1: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 1: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Year 1: Events items

Infant Easter Craft, by Mrs Holden

CH Y1 Class Assembly, by Mrs Holden

AGS/HB Y1 Class Assembly, by Mrs Holden

Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
 School Calendar  School Gateway  School Bookings

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