Mental Health, Positivity & Well-being
At Charles Darwn Community Primary School we use various strategies to support pupils in recognising strategies to promote good mental health, and knowing where to go for support with potential SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) problems. These include:
- Teaching about mental health and wellbeing through curriculum subjects such as:
- Counselling
- Positive classroom management
- Developing pupils’ social skills
- Working with parents
- Peer support
If you are concerned about your child's mental health, please contact your child's class teacher using the year group email.
Here are some links with advice and support around mental heath:
Parents' guide to CAMHS (Child And Adolescent Mental Heath Service)
Parents' A-Z Mental Health Guide
Young Minds Parent Helpline and Webchat
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP) has a mental health helpline for residents of Cheshire and Wirral.
Open 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, it is open to people of all ages including children and young people who need urgent mental health support.
- Helpline: 0800 145 6485
All parents have access to a free myHappymind App to support your child’s learning in school! Happy breathing is a great resource that we use at school to help your child emotionally regulate. There are lots of videos on the app and website that you can use to support your child at home also:
myHappymind Parent App Introduction - England & Wales
Please contact Miss Bowers, Mrs Ronald or Mrs Bennett if you have forgotten the parent code.