Our Display work
Ready Set Ride: First Outing on Balancing Bikes, by Mr Marland
Year 5 Science Week Experiments, by Mrs Bennett
Science Assembly - Molecular Marty, by Mrs Bennett
Science Afternoon, by Mrs Bennett
Parent Scientists, by Mrs Bennett
World Book Day 2019 - Decorated doors, by Mrs Holloway
World Book Day 2019 - Decorated Potatoes, by Mrs Holloway
Half Term Homework, by Mrs Bennett
Science Assembly, by Mrs Bennett
Parent Scientists, by Mrs Bennett
Miss Bilotta's Class Love My River Project, by Mrs Bennett
Dinosaur workshops and assembly, by Mrs Bennett
Miss Tench Love My River Trip, by Miss Tench
Young Voices, by Mrs Bennett
Year 5 at Barclays, by Mrs Mowat
Year 5 visit to Barclays Bank, by Mrs Bennett
Snow!, by Mrs Bennett
Examining organic remains!, by Miss Ashton
What is Parliament? Assembly and Year 6 workshop, by Mrs Bennett
Making Roman Mosaics, by Miss Ashton
Making Roman Shields, by Miss Ashton
Year 5 Visit To The Anne Frank Exhibition At CHSL, by Mrs Bennett
The Nativity, by Mr Marland
Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Bennett
Rudolf Run, by Mrs Bennett