Citizenship and British Values
Although there is no one agreed definition of just what exactly “British Values” are or what “Britishness” is, we , the Charles Darwin Primary School community feel that the following reflect what we believe them to be and that these are absolutely intrinsic to our core aims, our ethos and the care we provide on a daily basis:
• A belief in freedom - the opinions and feelings of all pupils, parents & carers and staff are valued and sought, all pupils are made aware, as far as possible of others’ needs and how to support one other. Wide ranging Pupil and Parent Voice feedback is testimony to our success.
• Tolerance & acceptance of others – Charles Darwin pupils are extremely supportive and accepting of one another’s differences and needs. Pupil and Parent Voice tells us that we are highly successful in addressing any rare instances of bullying or name calling. Parents of vulnerable pupils tell us that the care and support they receive from all members of the school community is exemplary and vital in ensuring they feel safe and valued and are able to take an active role in school life. Our hugely successful buddying systems ensure our youngest and most vulnerable children are well supported as they begin their school lives. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate diversity, recognise their own and others’ strengths, encounter, celebrate and appreciate difference – see buddies, SMSC, special days and charity work.
• Accepting personal and social responsibility - Pupils throughout Charles Darwin are encouraged to assist and help throughout the school with roles and jobs taken on by a majority of classes. Our support for community and charity events is well recognise, including strong links with a local residential home for the elderly. The thriving School Council play a vital role in leading events and fundraising days as well as drawing up and promoting whole school rules and rewards.
• Respecting and upholding the rule of law – Charles Darwin pupils have a very clear sense of right and wrong; they devise their own class rules, support one another and work hard to maintain and if necessary restore, relationships. Pupil and Parent Voice as well as testimony from members of the wider local community tell us that our children respect authority, are polite, well mannered, helpful and kind. The school’s regular sporting success is underpinned by a sense of fair play and respect win, lose or draw.
Charles Darwin Community Primary School also participates in the following programmes which enhance what we see as the essential moral teaching inherent in Britishness.
• Drug and Alcohol Education enables children to begin to take responsibility for their own behaviour through making the right choices.
• Sex and Relationship Education helps children to be able to make informed choices as well as accepting that families may be different from their own.
• Pupils working with their families and members of the community on wide ranging Family Learning Alliance courses.
• Taking a full and active role in wide ranging charity fundraising days and anniversaries such as Remembrance Day and World War centenaries so giving children a wider appreciation of others’ lives and experiences.
• Programme of assemblies promoting social skills and “doing the right thing.”
• Programme of assemblies led by visiting speakers including local church figures, the Police and Fire Service.
We teach the children the Unicef Rights of the Child Articles and Protected Characteristics in our half termly assemblies - children learn about their rights in the world through stories, discussions and video clips
In addition to the Core Values described above which we teach, encourage, praise and instil on a daily basis Charles Darwin Community Primary School also believe that knowing something of where you live and its place in the world, and knowing something of what your country is like is an important step towards developing a sense of nationality, identity and of belonging to a country.