
The teaching of phonics is a strength of our school.  All schools are required to follow a DfE validated phonics scheme: at Charles Darwin, we follow the Little Wandle programme of study which takes place daily across our Reception and KS1 classes. Children in KS2 who need phonics support also have daily phonics lessons. Effective teaching and learning in this vital area is essential if young children are to read and write well. In this section you will find a range of information about our phonics programme (phase 4 is a revision programme so we have not included a leaflet).

Little Wandle is a focussed teaching strategy that teaches children how the alphabet works for reading and spelling.

Phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters) are taught through progressive phases.

Phonics lessons are taught as a discrete 30 minute whole class sessions each day; each lesson follows the Little Wandle structure.  All children having phonics lesson will have an electronic reading book which is closely matched to their phonic knowledge.

When children have completed the programme, they move onto the Pathways To Spelling programme. 

In school, we assess phonics each lesson and any children identified as needing additional support will receive this on the day of the lesson. Every six weeks there is a formal assessment and the phonics lead alongside class teachers identify any children we feel need an extra boost to catch up. These children will receive daily support in focus group sessions.


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Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
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