Castles Year 2 CR HB
Lesson: History
Class: Year 2 Year: 2020 - 2021
We had so much fun on Tuesday! It was so sad that our trip had to be cancelled due to the weather making the venue too dangerous.
Much fun was had by all!
Charles Darwin Community Primary School
Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich
Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)
Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143
SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp
Governor: Mrs Alison Massey
Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
gemmalouisereeves78@gmail.comOn Monday 17th we have our delayed NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe assemblies for Years 1 - 6
On Tuesday we have an assembly about neurodiversity.
Year 5 are off to Hartford High School on Thursday to watch The Wizard of Oz - they may spot some of our former pupils in leading roles.
On Friday 21st March we are raising money for Comic Relief with dressing in 80s style and a bake off!
Year 5 are joining the Mersey Forest in planting some new trees at school on Friday.