24 September 2018
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers
We have had, and continue to have, some quite substantial IT issues so far this school year; these are predominantly affecting our business admin and internal wireless access and structures and are hopefully not affecting our communication with families too much. They have also impacted on the full launch of our new school website; we look forward to sharing full details of how we plan to use this as soon as possible, please be patient.
Putting broadband issues to one side it has been a superb start to the year with children settling in to their new classes brilliantly; we are all particularly impressed with our new Reception children who last week celebrated their first full week in school with certificates.
This week looks busy:
Tue ~ Y2 are out on a circus skills day ~ a reminder they will be back after the normal school day ends hopefully for 4.00pm
Wed ~ Y6 parents' meeting in the hall at 3.30pm (this means we must cancel gymnastics after school club this week)
Thu ~ Rainforest workshop for Y4
~ Cross country competition at Winsford Academy; team not selected yet!
Fri ~ How to help your child with phonics & early reading workshop for parents 9.00am in Darwin's Den and 3.15pm in the Reception classroom. Although intended for Reception parents all are welcome and Y1 parents may find it particularly interesting.
2.30pm Macmillan Coffee afternoon (hall) ~ this is an opportunity to support this worthwhile cause and also to meet and hopefully choose to support our wonderful Friends of the School Association (FOTSA).
If you are able to send in some cakes that would be hugely appreciated.
Y5/6 Girls’ football tournament at HCoEHS; team not selected yet!
Thank you for all of your support so far this year; as always if you have any queries or concerns about any aspect of your child’s school life please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Adam Croft