Date: 8th May 2020 @ 12:28pm
Good morning Year 1!
Today is a Bank Holiday (which means we wouldn't have been in school) as it a very important day in the history of Britain. On 8 May 1945, the Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end which marked the end of World War II in Europe. You will find more information about this on the powerpoint on our topic page in your home learning. Lots of people are celebrating in different ways such as street parties (at a distance) and having a good old sing song. We would have all been learning songs in school with Mrs Harley, particularly this one Mrs Harley particulary Keep Calm and Carry On which can be found on the music home learning page. Maybe you could have a go at singing it with your family. Don't forget to send in photographs of what you do to celebrate.
Also we have some an exciting new addition to our website! Miss Ashton, Mrs Mowat, Mrs Bennett and Mrs Kenyon are setting up a STEM club for you to join. Each Monday, they will post a new STEM activity for you to have a go at along with instructions. You can find it on our school website. Go to Home Learning and you will find STEM club. Make sure you send in photographs! Enjoy! Watch out for the first actiivty lauching on Monday 11th May!!
Take care
Mrs Holden and Miss Barrow