
Date: 1st Apr 2019 @ 5:01pm


This month at Darwin’s Den we have had lots to do, celebrating St David’s Day, pancake day, St Patrick’s Day, completing Wild Challenges and making Mother’s Day card.

At the start of the month we celebrated St David’s Day by tasting Walsh cakes for snack and colouring in the Walsh flag or dragons. This was quickly followed by pancake day, the children had pancakes and were given the choice of sugar, lemon, chocolate spread, ice-cream and bananas. I have to say most chose to try all ingredients at once. Once eaten the children were then asked to complete a “My Pancake” activity sheet, you can come in and see our display, be quick it will need to change soon.

We’ve been able to get lots of outside play this month. Where the children have free choice to play with different equipment such as, Frisbees, bats and balls, skipping ropes, hula hoops and chalks. We have decorated the school building. I hope Mr. Croft doesn’t mind our new look!

We have completed two more of our Wild Challenge task, “Take a closer look” and “Mini beast safari.” We headed out to our wood land/ wildlife area on the school grounds with bug catches and went on the hunt for mini beast. We recorded our findings in a tally on a “spot it” sheet. We were very careful and respectful when looking and collecting mini beast. After that we brought them back to the Den to draw them, we used magnifying glasses to help us get a closer look. Feel free to come and have a look at our display.

Sticking to the theme of mini beast, we decided to make some healthy fruit bugs for snack this month, the children were able to taste different fruits such as, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and celery.

On St Patrick’s Day we celebrated by tasting potatoes cakes for snack and filled the colouring area with topic related sheets and St Patrick’s Day colour by numbers.

Our arts and crafts this month was making Mother’s Day cards. I hope they have made it out of their school bags and into your hands.

Have a safe and happy half term.

Contact Details

Charles Darwin Community Primary School

Darwin Street
Castle, Northwich

Main Contact: Mrs Marianne Bennett (Headteacher)

Tel: 01606 75194
Fax: 01606 784143

SEND Contact: Mrs Joanne Thornton-Sharp

Governor: Mrs Alison Massey

Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Reeves
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