Hello it's Monday! 4.5.20
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:59am
Good morning Year 1!
We hope you had a brilliant weekend! The sun is still shining its rays and bringing a smile to our faces. Thank you for sending in all your hard work. We are so proud of the tremendous effort you are putting into your home learning, it brings a beaming smile to our faces when we have a look at your scrapbooks and the work you are uploading.
This week as part of our topic we are celebrating VE day which is on Friday. Have a look at the information powerpoint on the topic section of the Year 1 home learning page and there are some suggestions of activities linked with celebrating VE day. We are looking forward to you sending in photos and scrapbooks to show us what you have done to celebrate!
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Holden and Miss Barrow