Good morning and happy Monday Year 1 8.6.20
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 10:25am
Good morning Year 1,
How are you today? We hope you had a good weekend. Can you believe it was hailstoning on Saturday morning where I live? What was the weather like in Northwich? I hope it is not too long till we see the sunshine again.
Miss Barrow and I hope you enjoy the home learning we have set for you this week. Our English is looking at Superheroes and our science/geography is all about being a weatherforecaster - you will have lots of varied weather to talk about as it is so changeable at the moment! We can't wait to see your weather reports.
Don't forget to go on Numbots and My Maths too, not everyone did last week. Let's see if we can have a go at it this week.
Have a great week.
Mrs Holden and Miss Barrow