CD Way Certificates Year 4 & Year 5!
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 8:08am
Happy Friday everyone! We made it to the end of home learning, can you believe it? We are so proud of you all and the attitude you have had during these challenging times. Fingers crossed we are all back in September together.
All the home learning tasks will stay on the website so if you want to finish off tasks next week that is fine!
It was so hard to chose our last CD Way Certificate winners as I could have chosen everyone! The winners are...
Miss Ashton's Class = Alfie Murphy and Lara Marralha
Mrs Holmes' Class = Ella Pimlatt and Aidan Greenway
Mrs Mowat's Class = Cameron Williams and Kira Eliis
Mrs Harley's Class = Venn Christian and Lucy Simon
Have a brilliant weekene everyone! We will chat to you next week.
Lots of love,
Miss Ashton