4th June 2020 - Year 4
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 9:26pm
Good morning Year 4! How are you all today? We hope you are still smiling. I really hope the weather is abit nicer than yesterday otherwise I will have to get my wellies out again.
We have been overhwelmed with the work you are doing this week! Please remember to upload homework, put it in scrapbooks or email it us over because then we can give you some feedback. Keep logging into Century to complete Maths and Science nuggets.
Just a little note on Century. As you know, there is an assessment at the beginning to see what you know already. Then the computer works out what you need help with. Please make sure you watch the help videos carefully. They are in place of my teaching and our carpet work which we always do at the start of each lesson. I know it's not quite the same but watch them and you will learn lots. When you then do the activities, remember that you will make mistakes. Everyone does. Just like in class (and in life), we don't get everything right, but then we do try to learn from our mistakes. You can do this! Keep a positive mindset and 'can do' attitude always.
Keep safe, keep smiling and always be kind.
Lots of love,
Miss Ashton & Mrs Holmes